Best CVA Companies

When looking for a CVA company you need to choose a reputable business.

The best Company Voluntary Arrangements company 2025 is there to assist you with business debts.

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Prior to entering into a CVA debt agreement, the directors need to research the liability on any personal guarantees with the business debts in March 2025.

There are many CVA businesses to choose from but here is the updated list of the top-rated CVA companies in the UK.

Best CVA Companies 2025

From our research, here is a list of the best CVA companies in March 2025:

  1. Business Insolvency Company
  2. Debtline
  3. Business Debt Help
  4. GW Financial Solutions UK Ltd
  5. Trust Debt Advice
  6. NTF Financial Solutions Insolvency
  7. Payplan
  8. National Debt Advice
  9. Stepchange

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What is a CVA?

A company voluntary arrangement (CVA) is a formal process designed to assist in the financial rescue of a company in financial distress. A CVA enables a business to reach an agreement with its creditors to settle some or all of its debts through composition or arrangement.

A CVA is carried out under the supervision of an insolvency practitioner, but the existing management stays in place for the duration.

While there is no legal requirement that the company requesting a CVA be insolvent or unable to pay its debts, CVAs are commonly used when there is a possibility of insolvency. Part I of the Insolvency Act 1986 outline the process for implementing a CVA.

Who Is Eligible For a CVA?

The CVA process is similar to an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA), but it is designed for limited companies.

Insolvent businesses use the Company Voluntary Arrangement procedure to ring-fence any outstanding debts, allowing the limited company to continue operating normally. A corporation may be eligible for Company Voluntary Arrangements if it meets the following criteria:

  • The company is insolvent or on the verge of going bankrupt.
  • The company has hired an insolvency practitioner and can demonstrate that the company haS sufficient capital to repay the loans in the future while remaining profitable and paying recurring taxes such as VAT/PAYE, etc.

If you are unsure if you are eligible for a CVA and meet the requirements listed above, please speak to a specialist debt advisor today.

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Who Can Propose a CVA?

A CVA is submitted to the company and its creditors by its directors, an administrator, or a liquidator. The company’s creditors or shareholders cannot propose a CVA because they don’t have legal authority.

All unsecured creditors are entitled to vote on the CVA proposal as part of the process, and it must meet two conditions in order to be processed: The CVA proposal must be approved by 75% of voting creditors, and a limit of 50% of unrelated creditors can vote against the CVA. The directors remain in control during this time and the business can continue to trade normally.

Does a CVA result in a Statutory Moratorium?

A statutory moratorium does not automatically follow the establishment of a CVA, stopping the company’s creditors from taking action to recover their debts or enforce their security. This is one of the reasons why a CVA distinguishes is different from Administration.

Some small businesses may be eligible for a 28-day moratorium if they match two or more of the following three criteria:

  • A turnover of no more than £10.2 million.
  • There must be no more than £5.1 million in assets on the financial sheet.
  • No more than 50 employees.

A Statutory Moratorium can only be obtained for medium or large enterprises if a Company Voluntary Arrangement is combined with an administration.

What Is The Process Of a CVA?

In general, the process of a CVA follows these steps:

  1. A professional insolvency practitioner is appointed to set up the arrangement after the board of directors makes a formal decision and take this route out of administration.
  2. The IP conducts a thorough examination of the company’s operations and financial systems to create a proposal for the board of directors’ approval. Financial estimates for up to five years are presented, which might help creditors decide whether to vote for this.
  3. Directors communicate with secured creditors, such as the bank, to inform them how their debts will be repaid.
  4. After filing the proposal with the court and receiving an originating number, copies are sent to all unsecured creditors.
  5. Creditors have a minimum of 14 days to think about how they would vote. A longer length of time is often offered to provide HMRC and others the time required to guarantee that the repayment levels will meet their requirements.
  6. A vote is held to determine whether or not the CVA will be accepted.
  7. The proposal must be approved by 75% of creditors. A new vote is held without the inclusion of related creditors. A majority of the votes must be in favour for this vote to pass.
  8. Following the conclusion of the meetings, the insolvency practitioner must provide a written report to the court and all creditors.

How Can A CVA Company Help?

A CVA company is a business that helps you manage your business debts.

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CVA Advantages

There are a few advantages associated with entering into a CVA. These include:

No Costs To Pay Up Front

The costing structure of a CVA allows insolvency practitioners to get their fees from the first initial instalments, followed by a proportion of subsequent payments for managing the ongoing plan, resulting in no upfront fees.

An insolvency company’s costs are deducted from your company’s bank account each month, and the amount is precisely calculated based on what you can afford.

Some Debts Are Written Off

Unsecured debts that remain after the CVA is completed are written off, resulting in a significant reduction in the amount of debt you owe. It reduces the stress of not knowing how you’ll pay off your debts because they are lowered to meet your budget while allowing creditors to get paid.

Your Company Can Continue To Trade

A CVA enables your company to remain open and to trade with a strong chance of stabilisation and recovery with the right approach and supervision.

Directors Keep Control of the Business

CVAs are a popular approach for directors to handle their company’s debts since they keep control. Combining the director’s strong understanding of the company with the professional business advice provided by a company voluntary arrangement could result in a winning partnership, enabling the company’s steady recovery.

Creditor Interest Rates Frozen

Any debt submitted to a CVA has its interest frozen, and an insolvency company will handle any creditor pressure for you, eliminating the stress.

CVA Disadvantages

The disadvantage associated with a CVA are as follows:

Legal Obligation

While there is some flexibility where some revisions agreement can be made to the agreement, CVAs can be quite inflexible. In general, the CVA terms will be strict in terms of what your company is expected to pay and for how long.

Failure to comply with the proposal’s requirements will almost certainly result in compulsory liquidation.

Affects Your Company’s Credit Rating

A CVA harms a company’s credit rating, although being in debt in the first place will have the same effect. You may have to pay for goods on a proforma basis during the first few years of the CVA because getting credit will be difficult.

However, after 3-5 years post CVA, the company can begin to recover its credit rating by borrowing on a low-risk scheme and repaying liabilities regularly.

The Failure of CVA Can Lead To Harsher Measures

If the CVA fails, it might pave the way for more insolvency methods. These procedures would be unavoidable if you did not make an effort to repay your creditors and successfully manage your obligations. A CVA is one of the few alternatives to give your business a chance to stay open and continue doing business.

Can a CVA Be Challenged?

A creditor has few opportunities to oppose the CVA once an insolvency practitioner reports it. Section 6 of the Insolvency Act 1986 allows for a challenge based on either undue prejudice or material irregularity.

In the case of unreasonable prejudice, the creditor must persuade the court that the CVA conditions are unjust, treat creditors differently, and are adverse to some creditors.

The creditor has 28 days from the date of the CVA’s approval to file a challenge or 28 days from the moment they became aware of the meeting and vote if the creditor was not aware of the vote.

CVA Vs Administration

A CVA is a valuable method that can help save a business while giving creditors a higher return than administration. In a CVA, a company intends to return its creditors a portion or all of the money it owes them over a set period.

CVA is a method used by businesses to exist an administration. The primary reason your company might want to leave an administration is for financial and control concerns. An administration is very effective but can be a costly insolvency procedure.

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What is the Role of HMRC?

While a CVA may seem tempting and can be a beneficial restructuring tool for a struggling business, it is crucial to understand that a CVA can only be entered into with the consent of your creditors, including HMRC.

Some directors are concerned about HMRC having a voice in whether or not their company can enter into a CVA.

Other Insolvency Procedures & Debt Solutions

When analysing your credit report and current debtors it is advised to understand all the debt solutions and other insolvency procedures available to you.

Here are all the debt solutions available to you depending on where you are based in the UK:

All UK Insolvency Practitioners

Here is a full list of Insolvency Practitioners in the UK:

The insolvency practitioner list above gives you plenty of options to choose the best IVA firm in March 2025.