Capital One Credit Card Debt

Have you had a worrying phone call from Capital One regarding your credit card debt with them?

Do you feel intimidated by this company as they harass you with repetitive robocalls?

This is where we can help.

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This article will give you all the details you need to be sure of when dealing with a company like Capital One.

You don’t have to slip into persistent credit card debt; you can reach financial stability.

Why is Capital One calling me?

If Capital One has contacted you, the chances are very high that you have a credit card debt with them.

This company is commonly associated with mass credit cards and typically offers banking services, such as:

  • Loan-recovery
  • Consumer loans
  • Saving accounts

You should expect a call from Capital One when you have an overdue credit card balance and payments.

Usually, you will already know that you have an underlying debt with this company, and they will reach out to you to state the overdue notices.

How do I stop Capital One from contacting me?

It is incredibly difficult actually to stop Capital One from contacting you altogether.

Capital one Europe plc has a legal requirement to call or send letters to those with an underlying debt with the company.

If you feel threatened and overwhelmed with the number of calls you are receiving, you can contact the company to request them only to contact you via certain platforms and specific times.

If the contact is leaving you traumatised, you should seek professional help immediately.

Do I HAVE to contact Capital One?

You can attempt to avoid contact with Capital One. However, this is completely unreasonable as the debt will gradually get higher as fees and interest charges will add on for enforcement charges.

Late fees are added and may be increased if the bills continue not to be paid, meaning Capital One needs to reach out again.

Companies collecting credit card debt will prefer you contact them and keep them in the loop on your plans to repay your debt.

How to contact Capital One

You can get in touch with Capital One via the following methods:

  • Phone03444812812
  • Post – P.O. Box 5283, Nottingham, NG2 9HD

How to complain about Capital One

You can file a complaint about Capital One via the following process:

  1. Write to Complaints resolution, Capital One, PO Box 5281, Nottingham, NG2 3HX.
  2. Wait for a response.
  3. If you are unhappy with the resolution, escalate your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
  4. You can contact the FOS at The Financial Ombudsman Service, Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR.

If your complaint is valid, you may receive some form of reimbursement.

What happens if I can’t pay my Capital One debt?

If you are in a financial situation where you physically cannot pay off your Capital One debt, you should reach out to the company to discuss this.

Opening up to Capital One helps the company understand you and feel they have some trust that you will pay the money back.

After speaking to the company, they should be able to help you to put together some options for when you cannot make the minimum payment.

Here are some solutions that could be suggested:

  • Moving the payments due dates.
  • Credit card relief programs.
  • Review your income and expenses.
  • Reaching out to a credit counsellor.

You should understand that you are not alone in this situation; plenty of other people struggle to repay their credit card company debt.

Can I adjust my payments?

It is possible to adjust your payments when you speak to your creditor. This can be arranged through dates changing.

Many people who struggle to pay back their debt use this as a way to get back on their feet.

Although the adjustment might not begin instantly, you can expect to find some help in this in the long run.

Does Capital One remove late payments?

Removing a late payment to Capital One from your credit report is possible. However, this has to be sorted from another company.

If you have an inaccurate late payment recorded on your credit report, Capital One can then remove this.

Missing plenty of payments will affect your credit scores, dropping your points massively.

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How do I settle my debt with Capital One?

To settle your debt with Capital One, there are a few different steps you should take, no matter what sort of method you choose.

Confirmation of amount

Firstly, you need to begin with a conversation with your debt provider to confirm the amount you owe.

Discussing this with a creditor is incredibly necessary as, although very rare, a creditor can get the amount or even the person mixed up. If the proof shows that the debt is not yours, you will not have to pay a penny!

Option consideration

Once you have established that the debt is yours, you should discover which option is best for you.

The options you are likely to look at are:

  • Debt settlements
  • 0% interest credit cards
  • Workout agreements

Once you have decided which method to choose, you should request all the paperwork for your debts, such as the proof of income and expenses.

Within this section, you should also be able to display the information that you cannot pay the debt in full.

Make contact

Now would be the time to reach out to your credit provider and discuss the matters further.

Talking to the creditor will establish the agreement. This agreement should be written so what is happening is completely clear.

Should I remove my Capital One credit card debt?

You should remove your Capital One debt, as having a credit card debt will drag your credit score down massively.

If you eliminate your credit card debt, your credit score will improve!

You would not want to keep debt in your name forever.

How can I remove Capital One from my credit report?

It is not difficult to remove Capital One from your credit report.

Here are the steps you should take to remove the collection from your credit report:

Request adjustment

Firstly, you should start by making some contact with the company.

A letter is an ideal method to express your reasoning on why you have not paid (this must be a genuine and sensible reason).

When you have noted your cause for late payments, you should request the debt collector to remove the negative entry.

Pay for deletion

If it has come to your attention that the collection company will not accept your deletion request, it would then be advised to consider an agreement that consists of paying to delete the negative entry.

This usually occurs when Capital One has sold your debt to another debt collection company.

This is normally accepted more frequently than just a free request as you are still making some sort of payment to the company.

You should be aware that this agreement MUST be written before it begins.

Dispute the collection

Disputing the collection would be the method you would take when the debt is not one that you owe because it is inaccurate.

There are three bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) that you must collect a copy of your credit reports from.

Always check that the details are correct because you can always dispute this with the three bureaus.

Get it professionally removed

Some professional credit repair companies will remove your negative entry from your report.

This is a popular method as it removes any stress and overwhelming tasks you might face.

Can Capital One sue me?

You can be sued in civil court by Capital One or any other debt collector.

It is fairly uncommon for this action to be taken as normal; the legal fees brought in will be larger than the debt overall.

Although you can be sued, you can not be sent to prison.

What credit bureaus does Capital One use?

Capital One uses three credit bureaus, unlike the majority that only use one.

The three different bureaus that Capital One uses are:

  • Equifax
  • Experian
  • TransUnion


How do I make my credit report look better?

To make your credit report look better, you should remove any errors in your debt or dispute them.

You should also attempt to remove the debt if it is already there by negotiating with creditors.

When you increase your credit limit, you will also improve your score.

What are some debt settlement alternatives?

  • Balance transfer cards
  • Consumer credit protection program
  • Debt payment plan

How long does debt stay on your credit report?

You should expect your debt to stay on your credit report for 2 to 10 years.

The majority of debts will stay for seven years.

Final thoughts

If you fail to repay the money you owe to Capital One, you will find yourself in a situation where debt is the only thing you know.

You should know that debt solutions are available to you.

Get in touch with a professional debt charity today for quality advice on managing your money effectively.

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