Help Us Improve Our Website

Companies should always be looking to improve their website presence online.

We live in the digital era and having a presence online for your desired keywords is a MUST!!

Why do we live in the digital era and so many businesses still do not understand the power of the internet for company growth?

Importance to Building Your Own Brand Online

Building your own brand online is so important for the following reasons:

  • Adds trust to your brand
  • Generates enquiries for the keywords it ranks for
  • Competing against your competition in the digital space
  • More exposure to potential new clients
  • Helps clients better understand your business unique selling points
  • Builds reputation showcasing testimonials
  • Gives confidence to customers seeing previous services completed on case studies

The added trust and new leads created from building your brand online are priceless to businesses longevity.

Check out the video which highlights why improving your website traffic is key to success:

Setting Client Expectations

The truth is the best SEOs in the world stay away from clients websites because it generally works out 80% of the monthly retainers is spent managing clients expectations with reports, calls and meets.

Meaning a small 20% going into what really is needed which is building content and backlinks to the desired websites.

If you own a website and wanting to build your presence, then you need to watch this video to understand the fundamentals.

SEO is a long term investment and builds virtual assets which have a value so do not just expect instant results as the algorithms do not work that way anymore.

Why We Say NO To Client SEO

The real truth behind client SEO is they are typically nightmare clients for your business.

So why is it that client SEO is a huge NO GO for many successful marketers:

  • Clients previously have hired scam agencies and have serious doubts about SEO working
  • Clients are not aware you can rank higher in Google by optimising and ask too many questions about how this is done
  • Clients want justification on everything you have done (imagine asking your bricklayer after every brick installed to explain how and why he did it that way)
  • Justification and reports kill all profits or lead to wasting time in the client’s budgets, which leads to less SEO being produced
  • Clients want results today and not got the patience to understand SEO is a long term investment
  • Clients expect meetings or calls to explain the work carried out and all this has a cost attached to it
  • More reports, calls, meetings, and justification just leads to less work being done

Unrealistic Goals From Small Budgets

The expectations of clients are too high vs the money they want to pay per month.

Any clients who think they can get great results in improving their website for less than £1000 per month are clearly insane because:

  • Can you even afford an auditing tool on such a budget to reverse engineer competitors?
  • Can you write the content the website is lacking to show search engines you are an expert on the subject topic?
  • Can you create outreach campaigns for other relevant domains to link back to your website to build authority?
  • Can you manage the client’s expectations from such a small budget

You can clearly see why clients asking for SEO services can be a pain for the best SEO companies because they can rank their own digital assets and rent them out.

Funny Annoying Client Examples

Check out the video here on a hilarious video we created on a typical annoying client:

The video is created as a piss-take but we actually do get similar stories of this happening and the reason we think client SEO is not the best way to scale your business.

Solutions To Building Your Online Presence

So if we are saying no to client work then how the hell can you build your online presence?

Well, the Google algorithms are pretty simple and built on CONTENT + LINKS.

So instead of hiring an SEO company to do everything for you then here is the best solution for you:

Why would you go to an SEO agency for them to outsource these works to the companies above?

Hiring an SEO agency is like ordering a bricklayer to install your roof – who then outsources the work to the roofing company!!

This video shows the solutions to building your online presence without needing to hire an SEO agency:

Going direct to your link builders and content writers will save you money and avoid the need to pay high-profit margins SEO agencies take for outsourcing to the same companies.


Once you have built your content depth with supporting articles to your main money pages and built the links to build the authority then you can look into other smaller ranking factors like technical SEO, site speed, internal linking, and content optimisation.

Until you have the content covering the topic in its entirety and the high powered authoritative super relevant links then just solely concentrate on the content and links strategy.

Remember though improving your website rankings is a long term investment and you need to be consistent and persistent for this to work for you.

Disclaimer: I personally would be a nightmare client also because the human brain wants to understand what we are paying for. We want to try and make sure we are achieving best value for money and I 100 percent get this. Plus 95% of SEOs are cowboys learning on the job (as there if no regulations in this industry, so choosing the right SEO provider is very tricky). But just remember why would the best SEOs be happy to spend time on your website, that you own, when they can be doing this on their own websites if they truly know how to rank higher in Google. Tread very carefully if you are a business owner hiring SEO agencies. If you want a quick FREE website audit to your site we can do this if you email and we can explain what your domain is missing and some companies who could provide those specific services.