I cannot afford to pay my La Redoute Catalogue Debt?

Many are worrying “they can’t repay La Redoute Catalogue Debt” and what solutions there are?

Check out our comprehensive article here if you are struggling to pay UK catalogue debts.

If you are struggling with your catalogue debt payments, you are not alone.

Do you have LRUK debt and want to set up an affordable La Redoute payment plan?

As LRUK (Retail) Limited are FCA regulated, they need to make sure your unsecured debt repayments are affordable for you.

They will help you to set up a new and achievable La Redoute payment schedule.

In our La Redoute Catalogue Debt guide, we will explain whether your catalogue debts can be written off.

We will explore catalogue debt help solutions and assess whether you can get a CCJ for catalogue debt.

I Can’t Pay La Redoute Debt – What Should I Do

Do not ignore debts from La Redoute Catalogue because the debt will never go away until you set up a repayment plan or speak to a professional debt advisor.

When speaking to a specialist debt consultant he can run a disposable income check on your current financial situation and give you all debt solutions available in March 2025.

Some search “how to get rid of La Redoute Catalogue debt without paying” and depending on your financial history there could be ways to legally write off catalogue debts.

With just a few easy online questions you can see all options available from you here:

Can I Write Off La Redoute Catalogue Debts

Find Out More

Who Is La Redoute Catalogue?

Founded by Joseph Pollet, La Redoute is a French mail-order fashion catalogue that is distributed in the UK.

The popular company has amassed over 10 million customers across 26 worldwide countries.

La Redoute is a specialist in Parisian fashion apparel and homeware.

With over 450 brands included on their site, it is consistent with the latest fashion and home trends.

They allow credit accounts for those who want to pay for items in monthly instalments.

Falling behind on these payments can be risky and may put you in the position to be chased by debt collectors.

Always make sure to keep up with your LRUK catalogue payments, but if you fall behind, speak with a debt advisor as soon as possible.

How to pay off La Redoute catalogue debt?

When looking for the best way to pay off La Redoute catalogue debt you have many options:

  • Repay debts using a credit card
  • Set up a monthly repayment plan direct
  • Speak to a debt advisor on various debt solutions

Can I pay off La Redoute catalogue debt with a credit card?

You can pay off catalogue debt using a credit card, but this could get you in deeper debt on your credit file.

Creditors might be reluctant to offer higher credit limits if they see you’re already struggling to meet your minimum payments.

Credit cards allow you to transfer money to repay La Redoute catalogue debt but make sure you check the interest and fees from your credit card provider.

Should I pay the minimum amount to La Redoute catalogue?

When making minimum payments on your catalogue debt, the total amount owed can actually increase.

The subtotal money owed can increase because making the minimum payment might not cover the amount charged in interest.

You may need to increase the minimum monthly payments to an amount where it starts to decrease the debt.

With the debt levels to the catalogue company increasing, this can place individuals in a status known as ‘persistent debt’.

It is strongly advised if you get in a state of persistent debt to speak to a specialist debt company that can free unsecured debt interest rates.

Free Debt Interest Rates

Get Debt Help

Do Not Pay La Redoute Catalogue Until You’ve Received Free Debt Advice

Catalogues are unsecured debts and it is always advised to speak to a debt advisor for free advice before making any payments.

Do not make any payments until you have received professional advice to understand all the debt solutions available to you.

Here are all the debt solutions available to you depending on where you are based in the UK:

Debt collectors can be intimidating and you may want to pay them quickly to make them go away.

Remember, it is important to get catalogue debt advice from a debt advisor prior to paying any money.

They will make sure the debt owed is yours and advise on the best ways to go about repayment and dealing with debt agents.

You can get catalogue debts written off, you may just need some support and help.

Complaining About La Redoute Catalogue Debt Collection

If you have a complaint, you should send a formal letter to:

The Complaints Team
LRUK (Retail) Limited
2 Holdsworth Street
West Yorkshire

The LRUK debt can be disputed via email at [email protected].

LRUK (Retail) Limited t/a La Redoute is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Or if you prefer to talk about your LRUK debt payment problems via telephone, you can phone LRUK (Retail) Limited on 033 0303 0199.

Their opening hours are 9 am-5 pm, Monday-Friday.

If you are struggling to set up a La Redoute payment plan tweet the company at @LaRedouteUK.

You should compose a tweet explaining your financial situation with the hashtag #customerservice as the LRUK debt team will be quick to respond to your debts then.

Should you wish you escalate a complaint further than LRUK themselves, you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service.

If your complaint meets their requirements, you may be entitled to some reimbursement.

Popular Questions

Can you get a CCJ for La Redoute catalogue debt?

La Redoute catalogue can apply for a County Court Judgement (CCJ) to be brought against you to retrieve their money owed.

Only the court can implement the CCJ (County Court Judgement) for your catalogue of unsecured debts owed.

If you do not keep up with payments to your CCJ then and only then will the court, not the catalogue, have the authority to send in bailiffs.

Can La Redoute catalogue send bailiffs?

La Redoute catalogue company do not have the authority to send bailiffs to your home.

Catalogue companies are also not allowed to take any of your personal possessions in order to pay for your unsecured debt.

Only the court, not the catalogue, have the authority to send in bailiffs if you fall behind on payments to your CCJ.

What happens if i don't pay La Redoute catalogue?

La Redoute catalogue company reserve the right to impose a charge to cost the cover of missed or insufficient payments and are entitled to debit your account with any costs incurred by them.

Catalogue companies will ask you to catch up with the debt arrears and if you can’t pay the creditor the account will default and further action could be taken against you.

You are signing a consumer credit agreement when you have a catalogue account, which means the debt is enforceable in the courts.

Acquiring debts will impact your credit records, credit report and, more than likely, your credit limit on your credit account.

Having a bad credit rating will bring you even more financial hardship, so it’s crucial to start making repayments for money owed, as soon as you can.

How Do I Close My La Redoute Catalogue Account?

You can close your La Redoute Catalogue account very easily, just by getting in touch with LRUK and letting them know your intentions.

Their customer service team will assess your reasons for wanting to close your account.

If it is because you have a concern, they may try and rectify the situation for you and resolve any disputes.

If you simply just want to leave, then provided your credit account balance is cleared, they will shut your account for you in no time.

You can get in touch with them via email or you can call them on 033 0303 0199.

Final Thoughts

Overhanging debt can be stressful and having to deal with debt collectors can be scary.

In order to avoid having money problems, make sure you are careful with your spending and only shop within your means.

If you have slipped into debt, don’t panic, there are ways to work your way out of your money troubles.

As soon as you fall behind on La Redoute payments, get in touch with a professional debt advisor.

Struggling With Other Debts

Here are some other debt guides if you are struggling with different types of debts: