Struggling With Ambrose Wilson Catalogue Debts

Home shopping appears to be a thing of the future and Ambrose Wilson took a big piece of this cake.

Through the wonder of the internet, Ambrose Wilson allows you to shop for any sort of apparel, especially for plus size ladies and other items, with simplicity. You can even do it on your phone.

However, are you now having difficulties settling your debts with Ambrose Wilson?

Check out our comprehensive article here if you are struggling to pay catalogue debts in March 2025.

Take back your life and your financial freedom with the help of this Ultimate Guide to Ambrose Wilson Catalogue.

Who is Ambrose Wilson Catalogue?

Ambrose Wilson Catalogue buys payday loans at a discount from other businesses and uses its own debt collectors to pursue consumers for payment. They may also send field agents to your house to collect debts.

If you have been approached by this debt collector, it is probable that the debt collectors are trying to collect unpaid bills from you.

J D Williams & Company Ltd is known as Ambrose Wilson. This firm is the UK’s leading direct home shopping provider, with over 20 successful catalogue options.

The affiliate’s catalogue includes a large selection of clothing and other consumer goods. Ambrose Wilson’s clothing is made to provide “the finest fit at the best value” for people of all ages and sizes.

How do I get in contact with Ambrose Wilson Catalogue?

  • Their Head Office:  Griffin House, 40 Lever Street, Manchester, M60 6ES
  • Registered Office:  Griffin House, 40 Lever Street, Manchester, M60 6ES
  • Registered Company Number: 00144766
  • Website:
  • Consumer Credit License: 0035181

Do Not Pay Ambrose Wilson Catalogue Until You’ve Received Free Debt Advice

Catalogues are unsecured debts and it is always advised to speak to a debt advisor from a debt advice company for free advice before making any payments.

Do not make any payments until you have received professional advice to understand all the debt solutions available to you.

Here are all the debt solutions that can be available to you depending on where you are based in the UK:

Are they a legitimate company?

Ambrose Wilson Catalogue is a debt collection agency that is registered with the Financial Conduct Authority. They can operate around England and in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland.

The Financial Conduct Authority establishes regulations and standards for firms in the consumer credit market to follow in order to avoid unfair practices. The FCA’s debt collection regulations and advice establish minimum criteria that all regulated debt recovery and collection organizations must follow in order to be regarded fit to act as debt collectors.

Popular Questions

Can you get a CCJ for Ambrose Wilson catalogue debt?

Ambrose Wilson catalogue can apply for a County Court Judgement (CCJ) to be brought against you to retrieve their money owed for catalogue debt.

Only the court can implement the CCJ (County Court Judgement) for your catalogue of unsecured debts owed.

If you do not keep up with payments to your CCJ then and only then will the court, not the catalogue, have the authority to send in bailiffs.

Not paying your debt balance can also affect your credit file.

Can Ambrose Wilson catalogue send bailiffs?

Ambrose Wilson catalogue company do not have the authority to send bailiffs to your home.

Catalogue companies are also not allowed to take any of your personal possessions in order to pay for your unsecured debt.

Only the court, not the catalogue, have the authority to send in bailiffs if you fall behind on payments to your CCJ.

What happens if i don't pay Ambrose Wilson catalogue?

Ambrose Wilson catalogue company reserve the right to impose a charge to cost the cover of missed or insufficient payments and are entitled to debit your account with any costs incurred by them.

Catalogue companies will ask you to catch up with the debt arrears and if you can’t pay the creditor the account will default and further action could be taken against you.

You are signing a consumer credit agreement when you have a catalogue account, which means the debt is enforceable in the courts.

Why is Ambrose Wilson Catalogue Contacting Me?

Ambrose Wilson offers a variety of product lines from which to pick. Shopping is just a click away with thousands of brands to pick from.

The online business focuses on current women’s fashion, with sizes ranging from 12 to 32. The business also sells jewellery, accessories, cosmetic items, footwear, lingerie, men’s apparel, kids & toys, electricals, and more! Nightingales, Joana Hope, Together, MAGISCULPT, Joe Browns, Slimma, Dannimac, and Monsoon are just a few of the well-known women’s brands.

Mother of the Bride, Denim Shop, Occasionwear, Holiday, and more modern brands are available in the store. Skechers, Lotus, Hotter, Cushion Works, Clark, Gabor, Cosyfeet, Rieker, Padders, and many other footwear brands are available.

Home appliances, kitchen appliances, yard & DIY, TV & computers, phones, electronics, and photography are just a few examples of electrical things. Apple, Samsung, Vax, Russell Hobbs, Smeg, and Hotpoint are well-known electrical brands.

Hot Diamonds, Jon Richard, and Lipsy are among the jewellery brands available. If you want designer handbags but do not want to spend a fortune, Ambrose Wilson has a selection of the most popular brands at a fraction of the cost. Check out Accessorize, Brakeburn, Capsule, and more well-known handbag brands offered at Ambrose William.

Ambrose Wilson recognizes that some customers prefer to pay in full at the time of purchase rather than using personal credit. However, in order to shop with Ambrose Wilson, you must first create an account. When you log on to their website, you can choose the cash-only option.

When you go to the checkout, you will be prompted to pay using a credit card.

If you create a credit account, you will be able to spread the cost of your purchases over time. Every three weeks, Ambrose Wilson will give you a statement detailing what was shipped to you, what you returned, what you paid, the outstanding debt, and the minimum payment necessary.

If you have received a letter, an email, or perhaps even a call from Ambrose Wilson, it means that you have an outstanding balance you may have to settle to avoid interests from compounding. The debt or unsettled balance comes from the items you have purchased from the catalogue.

What Are My Next Steps?

First and foremost, do not be alarmed- use this guide to regain control of your life.

In most cases, the debt letter will require a total amount, including any additional costs. When they initially purchase the debt, this letter will be mass-produced using a computer system.

It is easy to dismiss the first letter and expect that the situation will resolve itself. But, in reality, it never happens. You should act soon on the best debt solution before the fees and charges continue to rise and debt collectors come into the picture.

You must move immediately to stop the debt collection company procedure in its tracks if you do not want debt collectors or bailiffs showing up at your house.

They will not only phone you frequently, but they will also look to visit your home if you do not respond to their calls. Of course, this is alarming, and some people may be intimidated by it, but it is preventable if you respond soon.

If a debt collector or Enforcement Agent has attempted to contact you several times, the next natural step would be for them to come to your home and create a contract usually consisting of monthly repayments.

If this happens, it is probable that you will be saddled with even more debt. This has the potential to make the situation far worse than it needs to be.

Did You Know You Can Write Off Up To 85% Of Your Debts?

Do I Qualify?

If you owe more than £2000, you should consider a debt management plan. Debt management plans are unofficial agreements that you or a debt management business might establish up. Your creditors will be asked to agree to a lesser payment and to temporarily suspend interest and charges by the debt management business. They do not have to agree, and these strategies are not always effective.

You may be eligible for an IVA if you owe more than £5000 in debt. An IVA is a legal agreement that is established by an IVA business and overseen by an Insolvency Practitioner (IP). Your interest and charges would be suspended indefinitely. Your creditors would no longer be able to reach you, and you and your creditors would agree on an affordable monthly payment starting at £70.

What Can Ambrose Wilson Catalogue Do?

Ambrose Wilson Catalogue Can:

  • Drop by your home but stay outside unless invited
  • Call to speak with you at work or at home from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m
  • Send you letters discussing the debt
  • Send you emails discussing the debt
  • Make a request that you pay them or set up a repayment plan with them

Ambrose Wilson Catalogue Cannot:

  • Take anything from your house
  • Enter your home by force
  • Withhold any of your possessions
  • Threaten or intimidate you or anyone who knows you
  • Be aggressive with you or anyone who knows you
  • Disturb you or your family
  • Visit your workplace
  • Pretend to be anyone of authority like a bailiff
  • Discuss your debt with anyone who knows you

Struggling With Other Debts

Here are some other debt guides if you are struggling with different types of debts: