The Ultimate Guide to GKM Group Ltd Debt Collectors

Have you been contacted by GKM Group Ltd in the urge for you to repay debts you might not even know you have?

If you have been hassled to pay but are unsure of what you should do, this ultimate guide can help you to understand what the next steps will be.

Do Not Speak to GKM Group Ltd Until You Know About This?

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When dealing with debt collectors, it can be extremely daunting and bring in a heavy amount of unwanted anxiety- but, after reading this guide, you should feel confident about what to do when they call.

GKM Group Ltd does not have to be as difficult to deal with as you think!

Who is GKM Group Ltd?

GKM Group Ltd is a nationwide debt collection company that was set up in 2016 providing enforcement services, debt recovery, security, and surveillance.

Gareth Short is the managing director of GKM after building the business after being a private detective.

GKM specialises in debt recovery and collection- whether it is personal or business debt, this company helps to recover the debt with chasers. (this will be the reason you will have been contacted).

This company will buy out your debt from your original creditor to make a profit and may demand the money from you to scare you in the attempt to get you to pay quicker. (do not let them worry you)

How do I get in contact with GKM?

Here are some contact information needed to get in touch with this debt collection company:

  • Website
  • Phone 029 22 406 368
  • Email
  • Address Britannia House, Caerphilly Business Park, Caerphilly, Wales, CF83 3GG

Why are GKM contacting me?

If you have been hassled by this debt collection company, the chances are that you owe money to a creditor such as banks, phone companies, and any other company!

You may be confused about who this company is and why they are trying to tell you that you owe them money. You will owe money to a larger scale business that have worked with this company to chase up the money, preventing the loss of their money.

I don’t believe it is my debt.

If you are in a situation where you do not believe or recognise that the debt GKM is claiming is yours, you should ask the debt collector for proof.

Whether you don’t believe the debt is yours, to begin with, or you don’t believe the price is right it is essential that you do contact the company.

When a debt collector does not respond to your proof request, you are not required to pay any money.

Are they a legitimate company?

Yes! GKM is a legitimate company, being a member of the Certificated Enforcement Agents Association.

They are registered in the UK from the 7the May 2016 with the number 10262728.

What do I do next?

If you have requested proof of your debt and had the confirmation shown to you, you should attempt to pay off your debt as soon as possible.

Leaving your debt for a long time can give additional funds onto the beginning price.

If you refuse to pay your debt, GKM can attempt to take legal action and take you to court.

After taking legal action they can send bailiffs to recover goods, therefore it is essential to pay as promptly as you can.

What can GKM do?

According to OFT guidelines, GKM should:

  • Always ensure that the debtors circumstance is taken into consideration to focus on the next steps for them.
  • Ensure fair treatment- NO aggression or tactics to convince payment.
  • they must be completely transparent in the situation and answer any questions asked.

What can GKM NOT do?

GKM are legally not allowed to:

  • Force entry and seize goods without bailiffs.
  • They can not lie about your debt.
  • They can not involve any third party in your debt without consent.

List of Debt Collection Agencies UK

Here is a list of all the debt collectors in the UK.