The Ultimate Guide to Lightfoots Debt Recovery

Have you been contacted by Lightfoots debt recovery, hassling you about paying your debts? Are you unsure whether the debt is right or even yours?

After you read this guide, you will be certain to know everything about what you should do when they attempt to call you or send letters!

Do Not Speak to Lightfoots Debt Recovery Until You Know About This

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When you are dealing with debt collectors, it can bring an excessive amount of unwanted anxiety, but, knowing what to do and how to deal with them will calm your nerves massively.

Keep reading this ultimate guide to be assured that Lightfoots does not have to be difficult to deal with!

Who is Lightfoots Debt Recovery?

Lightfoot’s Debt Recovery is debt collection company based in Oxfordshire providing services such as debt collection for businesses and individuals.

Lightfoots will be collecting your debt on behalf of the original collector. The company you owe the money to will have attempted to retrieve the money, therefore, this will be their last resort as using a debt collector, such as Lightfoots, can gain a quicker payment.

Lightfoots Debt Recovery may have bought your debt from the original creditor, therefor the money you will now owe will be directly for the collector and they could gain some profit from this.

How do I get in contact with Lightfoot’s Debt Recovery?

  • Website
  • Email
  • Phone 01844212305 (Thame)/ 01844397020 (Princes Risborough)
  • Address 1-3 High Street, Thame, Oxfordshire, OX9 2BX (Thame office)/ 28 High Street, Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, HP27 0AX (Princes Risborough office).

Are they a legitimate company?

Yes, Lightfoots is definitely a legitimate company!

This company is is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) with the number 508443.

Lightfoots company has a history from up to 1853, showing their expertise has travelled through plenty of generations.

Why is Lightfoots Debt Recovery Contacting me?

if you’re asking this question, you may be in the position where you feel like the debt is incorrect or not yours!

You will be contacted by this debt recovery company if you have an outstanding debt with a different company. Lightfoots will contact you after buying out your debt or chasing for the other creditor.

However, if you are unaware of the other creditor, it is essential to request proof of your debt before paying (sometimes, the company can contact the wrong people).

What are my next steps?

Your next steps with Lightfoots Debt Recovery consist of, firstly, ensuring the debt is yours.

You should request proof from Lightfoots, if they do not reply or send you significant proof, you will not have to pay a penny!

If they send you proof, you should attempt to pay as promptly as possible- this can give additional payments to your outstanding debt if you delay it any longer.

If you don’t pay by a certain time they could set, they can take legal action against you with a county court judgement.

What can Lightfoots do?

You should be absolutely certain of what is expected from the debt collectors and where you stand as you can make a complaint if something isn’t correct.

Lightfoots can:

  • Visit your property and request for you to pay in person.
  • Call or send emails and letters to request the payment.
  • File for county court judgement if there is a refusal of payment.
  • Add fines or interest to the already outstanding debt.
  • Send bailiffs to your property to seize goods (if you still do not pay after CCJ)

What can Lightfoots NOT do?

Lightfoots can not:

  • Use specific jargon in an attempt to confuse or manipulate you.
  • Lie about your debt.
  • Involve any third party into your debt.
  • Threaten you or harass with multiple phone calls and letters.

List of Debt Collection Agencies UK

Here is a list of all the debt collectors in the UK.