The Ultimate Guide to Proserve Debt Recovery & Bailiff Service Ltd

Have you recently received the alarming news from Proserve that you have outstanding debt?

Has Proserve Debt Recovery intimidated you with the idea of bailiffs showing up at your home?

Being in debt can be a worrying situation for many, but having Proserve bailiffs chasing you and demanding your money can make the situation 10X worse, especially when you aren’t confident about what to do.

This is where we come in.

Do Not Speak to Proserve Until You Know About This

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Reading this guide will inform you of the ins and outs of Proserve Debt Recovery and Bailiff Service Ltd.

By the end of this article, you will feel much more confident about dealing with bailiffs and the rights you and this company truly have.

Who are Proserve Debt Recovery and Bailiff Service Ltd?

Proserve Debt Recovery and Bailiff Service Ltd is an agency with enforcement agents in England and Wales to deal with various debts.

Proserve has received the highest debt recovery rate since the company was established in 1994.

Each enforcement agent receives debt counselling training to give out well-executed free debt advice and forms of debt help to those who are vulnerable or struggling with their financial situation.

Is Proserve a legitimate debt collector?

Proserve Debt Recovery and Bailiff Service Ltd are legitimate. Therefore, we will always advise that you take everything they say and do seriously.

Swansea Civil Justice Centre has authorised this enforcement agency to collect debts with the company number: 07458475.

Why is Proserve debt recovery chasing me?

If Proserve has contacted you, you will owe money to them.

It is likely that you have never heard of the company before, leading to you being unsure if the debt is truly yours.

If you are in this situation, your debt will have been originally owed to another creditor (which you may recognise), but they have been unsuccessful in retrieving the payment.

When the original creditor has been unsuccessful, Proserve will buy the debt from them and set out the Proserve Debt Recovery Bailiff service to pay this off.

Keep reading to discover your rights regarding Proserve and its debt recovery. 

What types of debt do they collect?

Proserve Debt Recovery and Bailiff Service Ltd will collect several different debts, these will consist of:

  • Parking fines
  • Council tax arrears
  • Court fines
  • CCJ’s

Should I pay Proserve Debt Recovery the money I owe?

You are legally responsible for paying when a debt is placed under your name.

Where you can afford to pay, you must do to prevent any further action from being taken.

Before making ANY payments to Proserve Debt Recovery, you should ensure that the debt is yours.

To find out whether you owe money to the debt recovery and bailiff service, you should contact them and request proof of debt.

If the company cannot, or refuses, to show you the documents- you legally do not have to pay a penny.

I cannot afford to pay- what should I do?

Once you have checked, the debt is yours, you are liable to pay this.

Many people in debt have insufficient funds and require debt help as they struggle to pay.

Speaking to Proserve Debt Recovery about your financial and personal situation can help to allow the enforcement agent an insight on how to assist with a debt solution.

Proserve will sometimes offer different debt solutions. Here are some that they provide:

Payment plan

If you contact Proserve debt recovery about your financial situation, they may be able to come up with a timescale repayment plan.

A payment plan will be realistic and affordable without some extortionate charges or interest rates.

Write off your debt

A write-off is a debt solution that is sometimes available with certain debts.

This will involve an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA) to transform all of your debts into one to make the monthly amount for payments lower.

IVAs are usually over 60 months, meaning that your debt will be paid off at the end of this timescale.

To get an IVA, you must qualify, meaning that you MUST have at least £5,000 of debt added together and the ability to pay at least £90 a month.

Debt management routes

Other debt solutions that are offered occasionally consist of:

Bankruptcy should always be the last resort, as this can massively impact your credit file. Find out what alternatives for bankruptcy are available.

Can I ignore Proserve’s letters and calls?

It can be incredibly tempting to ignore Proserve, especially if you don’t have the finances to pay them the total amount.

You might also believe that ignoring the company will stop bailiffs from visiting your property.

Ignoring Proserve Debt Recovery and Bailiff Service Ltd will only enforce further issues and action against you.

Ignoring letters and calls will not make your debt disappear.

Continue reading to find Proserve’s contact details.

What is the chasing process?

The process involved with Proserve Debt Recovery and Bailiff Service Ltd will usually begin with a letter or phone call regarding money you owe and informing you that they collect debts.

At this point, you should, ideally, request proof. Act quickly and cover your costs if you are liable to pay and have sufficient funds.

If you do not pay, you should gain another interaction with the agency regarding a home visit from enforcement agents.

The debt recovery bailiff service provided will consist of a bailiff placing a ‘Controlled Goods Agreement’ where your possessions will be seized. This has additional fees behind it.

Paying your debt as quickly as possible will prevent this.

How can I stop Proserve debt recovery and bailiff service from contacting me?

There is no doubt that you would like Proserve to stop contacting you, but how can you achieve this?

The short answer is… you can’t.

Proserve has legal requirements that state that they must send you some letters. It is required whether your debt is for council tax arrears or parking fines.

Although you cannot stop their contact, you can state your preferences regarding when they can contact you and in which method.

Once you pay off your debt, you should not hear from the company again.

What are Proserve debt solutions’ rights?

It is important to understand which rights Proserve legally has, as they might go against their code of conduct- leading you to take action.

Here are some of the rights that Proserve debt collectors have:

  • They can call you
  • They can visit your home
  • They can send letters to the address provided
  • For larger debts, they can issue a statutory demand (£5,000 and over)
  • They can apply to the court the have a default registered on your credit file- affecting your credit rating
  • They are allowed to give additional charges, depending on your original agreement

If Proserve does not comply with its rules and regulations, you should take action and contact them to discuss matters.

What rights do I have against Proserve debt recovery?

You must also realise that you have rights against Proserve.

Here are some of the rights you have:

  • Bailiffs can not push past you to get into your property.
  • They are only allowed to visit between 6 am and 9 pm.
  • They are only permitted to enter via a door.
  • They cannot use technical jargon to confuse you for power.
  • Proserve is prohibited from discussing your debt with anyone not included.
  • Bailiffs cannot visit elderly or vulnerable people.
  • They cannot lie about your debt or be threatening and abusive.

Is Proserve debt collection agency allowed to break into my home?

Rest assured, bailiff service will not involve your home being broken into.

The bailiff service can legally pursue entering your home if your door is left unlocked.

They are only allowed to enter your home if they have done previously.

The chances of the bailiffs entering your home are very rare, and they can only enter if you have had a liability order issued against you.

Some debt advice to stop bailiffs attempting to force entry would be to engage with the bailiff company from a window upstairs- this will prevent their accessibility into your home.

Do Not Let Proserve Into Your House Until You Know About This

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What can Proserve debt recovery and bailiff service take from me?

As you should understand by now, bailiffs can remove items from your property; however, there are limitations on what they can take.

The possessions that Proserve can take should be an estimation of the current value of your debt.

Here are some items that are commonly taken:

  • Vehicles- cars, bikes, and vans
  • Jewellery
  • Electrical goods- televisions, games consoles, etc.
  • Luxury items
  • Cash
  • Joint-owned items

What are Proserve debt recovery and bailiff service NOT allowed to take?

There are some limitations to what Proserve can take, which you should keep in mind.

Here are some of the items that are NOT allowed to be seized:

  • Pets
  • Bedding
  • Clothes
  • Dining tables and chairs
  • Lighting
  • Cooker/ fridges
  • Anything owned by somebody else

To avoid taking any of your items, it is advised to hide them or place them on another property (with permission) as the bailiff and debt collection agency have no legal right to access the premises.

How do I contact Proserve debt recovery and bailiff service ltd?

It is essential to reach out to Proserve debt recovery as soon as you get the notification that you owe the debt.

Here are the contact details you can use to reach out to the company:

  • Phone– 01492 534 436
  • Address– Somerset House, 30 Wynnstay Road, Colwyn Bay, LL29 8NB


Can I be taken to court because of my debt?

Owing money and not paying can lead to suing and orders against you.

A debt collector will likely get a County Court Judgement (CCJs) against you, requiring you to pay back the money owed.

Seek debt advice if you worry more about this bailiff service and court action.

Do bailiff fees exist?

Bailiff fees are genuine and will occur if they need to take action.

You should expect to be charged:

  • £75 for a letter of information
  • £235 for a home visit
  • £110 for the removal/selling of belongings

How long can debt collectors collect a debt from you?

Regarding the Limitations act 1980, there are only six years that a creditor can pursue a debt from you.

This means that within the six years, you must NOT have acknowledged the debt’s existence.

After six years, the debt is now statute-barred.


No matter how much debt you owe, the situation is undoubtedly scary.

It can be even more daunting with a debt collection company chasing you up.

Knowing and fully understanding all the rights you and this company has is incredibly important. Hopefully, this article has given you a wider insight into what you can do in this situation.

Make sure that you contact a debt help agency to find suitable debt solutions and debt advice that can help you work your way out of debt before it becomes persistent.

List of Debt Collection Agencies UK

Here is a list of all the debt collectors in the UK.