The Ultimate Guide to Ross & Roberts Enforcement Agents

Have you been contacted by Ross and Roberts about your unpaid debts? Are you scared and worried about what you can do to get yourself out of financial distress?

Then don’t worry. This article can help you find suitable debt solutions.

Do Not Speak to Ross and Roberts Until You Know About This

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Our Ultimate Guide to Ross and Roberts will cover all there is to know about this debt collection service and its bailiffs.

You don’t have to fall deep into persistent debt, you can change your life and pull yourself towards financial security.

Who are Ross & Roberts?

Ross and Roberts is a debt collection company that works for local authorities, utility companies, solicitors, and commercial landlords.

Founded in 1997, they collect a range of debts, including the following:

  • Council tax arrears
  • Non-domestic rates
  • Road traffic debts
  • Sundry debts
  • Housing benefit overpayments
  • High Court enforcement

They offer tailor-made techniques to carry out effective debt collection services.

With over 20 years of experience, R&R has acquired an outstanding reputation for effective assistance.

Are they a legitimate company?

Ross and Roberts is a legitimate company. They have been awarded various accreditations for their work and standards.

For example, they are regulated by the Civil Enforcement Association (CIVEA).

If you receive any communication from R&R, respond to them promptly to avoid any bailiff fees.

How do I get in contact with Ross & Roberts?

You can contact Ross and Roberts via the following methods:

  • Enquiry form
  • Phone – 01458 550480
  • Email – [email protected]
  • Post to their head office – Ross & Roberts Ltd, 42-44 Henry Street, Northampton, NN1 4BZ

Their opening hours are from Monday to Friday, 8 AM to 6 PM.

Why is Ross & Roberts contacting me?

If Ross and Roberts contact you, you will likely hold outstanding debt with a local authority or other company.

R&R chases debts for a range of companies. You might think an error has been made if you’ve never heard of Ross and Roberts before, but it may simply mean you owe debt elsewhere, and R&R have been enlisted to recover the debts on their behalf.

If you don’t believe the debt belongs to you, request a Proof of Debt letter. Keep reading to learn more.

What will happen if I ignore Ross & Roberts Enforcement Agents?

If you ignore Ross and Roberts, matters will only worsen, and your debt will only increase.

Ignoring debt is never wise, so it is sensible to face your creditors and ask for help.

The more you try and ignore R&R, the more persistent Ross and Roberts bailiffs will be. Don’t think they will give up if you shut them out.

They will continue returning, and the circumstances will be more severe.

Get a Proof of Debt

You shouldn’t ignore Ross and Roberts; however, you shouldn’t pay them without receiving Proof of debt.

There have been times when errors have led to individuals paying for debts that aren’t theirs.

To avoid this, you should always request a Proof of Debt letter before making any payments to R&R or any enforcement agent.

Check if the debt is statute-barred

If, after six years, no payments have been made and no one has chased the debt, the debt is written off as statute barred.

Your creditors cannot legally chase statute-barred debt. So, it is important to check before you make any payments.

Will Ross & Roberts Enforcement Agents come to my house?

Ross and Roberts bailiffs may show up at your house if you continue to miss your payments toward your debt.

Bailiffs will collect council tax arrears, parking penalty charge notices, commercial rent arrears, and more.

If you fail to meet our payment plan or frequently miss payments, R&R will send enforcement agents to your home to pressure you to pay off your debt.

Ross and Roberts bailiffs can be intimidating, so to ensure you don’t have to deal with an enforcement agent, try to make prompt and on-time instalments.

If R&R bailiffs try to coerce their way into your home without permission, or if they threaten you, call the police or a bailiff helpline immediately.

What can Ross & Roberts do?

Ross and Roberts bailiffs are permitted to take the following action:

  • Visit your home address.
  • Contact you via letter, email, or phone.
  • Add interest and charges to your debts.
  • Send high court enforcement officers to seize your assets.
  • File for a County Court Judgement.

However, there are some actions that Ross and Roberts bailiffs are not allowed to take.

What can’t Ross & Roberts bailiffs do?

Ross and Roberts Debt Collection cannot take the following action:

  • Use confusing or misleading legal jargon to coerce payment.
  • Provide incorrect details or pretend to hold legal power that they do not.
  • Threaten, intimidate, or be aggressive towards you.
  • Call you at unreasonable hours or call your work requesting payment.
  • Take belongings that the debtor doesn’t own, or take a blue disabled badge vehicle.

Should the R&R bailiffs try any of the behaviour mentioned above, you must immediately call the police or a bailiff helpline.

You can access free impartial debt advice from a debt charity.

Do Not Let Ross & Roberts Ltd Into Your House Until You Know About This

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Can Ross & Roberts break into my house?

No, Ross and Roberts should not be allowed to break into your home. They should only be permitted to enter your property if you first gave them permission.

They may be able to enter your home unannounced if they hold a liability order or a warrant from the high court.

If high court enforcement agents try to force their way in unlawfully, then call the police.

What happens if I don’t pay Ross & Roberts bailiffs?

If you refuse to make any payments toward your debt or your payment plan, then it is likely that further action will be taken against you.

Your creditors may push for more persistent bailiff action and even look to take out a court order.

Bailiffs will do anything to collect council tax and commercial rent arrears, as debt recovery is their job. So, refusing to pay isn’t an option.

Additional charges will be added to your debt every time an enforcement officer visits your home.

Can Ross & Roberts remove items from my home?

If you allow enforcement officers to enter your home, then they may be able to possess the following non-essential assets:

  • Luxury items, such as jewellery.
  • Vehicles that belong to the debtor.
  • Technology, such as televisions.

An enforcement agency cannot reclaim the following as collateral:

  • Essential items, such as fridges or microwaves.
  • Property that does not belong to the debtor.
  • Pets, including guide dogs.

For debt advice, speak with a money advice service for impartial and professional guidance.

If you want to learn how to file a formal complaint about R&R, keep reading our informative article. 

Ross and Roberts enforcement fees

Every stage of R&R’s debt collection comes with an enforcement fee.

The enforcement action charges are as follows:

  • Compliance notice – Ross and Roberts will send just a standard letter to your home or business premises informing you of the debt. This stage comes with a fixed cost of £75.
  • Enforcement stage – R&R provide enforcement. Enforcement officers will visit your home and claim assets. This enforcement notice comes with a fee of £235 and 7.5% over £1,500.
  • Sale of goods – The sale stage consists of the enforcement agency selling your assets to pay the money you owe. The sale stage comes with a fee of £110 and a 7.5% rate over £1,500.

Most debt collection companies will imply similar rates for every collection stage.

Are there any additional charges R&R can attach to your debt?

There are some additional charges that Ross and Roberts might add to your monthly payments.

Every stage of bailiff action comes with interest rates and fees. For example, the following fees could be incited:

  • Fees for storing belongings at a storage unit.
  • Fees for locksmith costs.
  • Court fees Ross and Roberts owe.
  • Fees for auctioneer costs.

To avoid bailiff fees, communicate with R&R as openly as possible.

You can steer clear of a County Court Judgement for unpaid council tax by discussing your struggles with creditors. Or, you can see professional debt advice.

How can I make a payment to Ross and Roberts?

You can pay Ross & Roberts via a range of payment methods:

  • Pay via post to Ross & Roberts enforcement address – Ross & Roberts Ltd, PO Box 1550, Northampton NN1 9JG.
  • Pay online using their 24-hour payment portal.
  • Make a phone payment using their 24-hour line – 01458550480.
  • Pay using a cheque, banker’s draft, or postal order using the enforcement address.
  • Set up a direct debit payment plan.

If you owe money, it is important to try and pay as soon as possible. Contact a debt charity; they provide advice solely relating to debt recovery and council tax arrears.

How to make a complaint about a Ross and Roberts bailiff

You can complain about Ross & Roberts via the following methods:


Complain about Ross & Roberts directly by contacting them via email or post.

If you have a bailiff claiming to have false legal powers, or if the bailiff is using reasonable force to try to coerce their way onto private land belonging to you, you can complain.

Make sure to send a written complaint to keep track of the steps to amend the issue. You want evidence of your complaint, so emailing or posting is more secure than complaining via the phone.

Financial Ombudsman

If you are not impressed with how R&R have handled your complaint, then you escalate it to the Financial Ombudsman.

You can contact the Financial Ombudsman via the following number, 0800 023 4567.

How can I stop bailiffs from Ross & Roberts from taking control?

The best way to prevent bailiff action is to try to meet your monthly repayments on time. However, if this isn’t possible, here are your next steps:

Communicate with Ross and Roberts

Speak with your certificated enforcement agent or to R&R directly and explain your financial situation.

If you cannot pay your Ross & Roberts debt, then be completely honest. They may allow you to amend your debt arrangement scheme to a more affordable repayment plan.

Being upfront will help you avoid additional charges, such as magistrate court fines and stop bailiffs from showing up at your door.

Seek out debt solutions

A range of quality debt solutions could be potential life savers for individuals struggling with debt.

Enforcement operatives, previously called bailiffs, can be scary and intimidating. Especially if they have been enlisted for the debt recovery of County Court Judgments.

Don’t panic, many lifelines can provide you with support and guidance. For example, you can access a free bailiff helpline or a financial charity for more debt advice.

Keep reading to learn more about what plausible debt solutions are available for you in March 2025.

What if I can’t pay Ross and Roberts Enforcement?

If you cannot afford your monthly repayments with R&R, then check out the following debt solution options:

Debt management plan

Debt management plans are a popular debt solution as it pauses any instalments toward your debt payment plans for a whole year.

A break in payments allows the debtor to save their money and try to improve their financial standing.

A debt charity can provide advice as to what debt solution may be best for you, so always seek money advice before deciding.

Debt relief order

A debt relief order is another solution that could help struggling debtors. A DRO freezes interest on your monthly instalments, helping you make lower payments.

A DRO can help debtors struggling to meet their current payment plan, as you will only have to pay the amount you agreed upon.


The debt solution bankruptcy is always a last resort; however, it may be the only option for some. Always carry out an online debt test or speak to a professional for free advice first.

Check out the most popular alternative to bankruptcy.

Bankruptcy can have a negative impact on your credit rating, so proceed with caution.


What if the Ross and Roberts letter isn’t for me?

If the debt letter isn’t for you, let Ross and Roberts know so they can redirect the communication to the correct individual.

Failure to let R&R know will only result in more bailiff action and bailiff feeds.

Are Ross & Roberts Ltd financially regulated?

Ross and Roberts enforcement follow guidelines laid out by the Ministry of Justice.

However, they are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, like many other enforcement companies.

Do HMRC use Ross & Roberts Ltd?

No, R&R Ltd does not collect money on behalf of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, HMRC.

They recover council tax for a range of councils and other local authorities.

Can you go to jail for debt collections?

It is highly unlikely that you will be sent to jail for outstanding debt with a debt collection agency.

Ross and Roberts provide enforcement; however, they cannot issue a warrant or arrest you.

The most they can do is request a County Court Judgement from the high court, allowing a bailiff to recover your assets to pay off your loans.

Are Ross & Roberts Ltd bailiffs?

Ross and Roberts Ltd is a debt collection company; they are not bailiffs.

However, they can send bailiffs to your home if they have secured a CCJ against you.

If you struggle to deal with tough enforcement officiants, call a bailiff helpline for tips on handling them with reasonable force.


Ross and Roberts Ltd are debt collection specialists working with councils and authorities to recover debts, such as business rates.

R&R should work professionally and ethically; however, it is still important to make yourself aware of the laws surrounding what an enforcement officiant can or cannot do.

Holding debt can be scary, so remember, always speak with a free charity for sound money advice.

List of Debt Collection Agencies UK

Here is a list of all the debt collectors in the UK.